Like a bee, he followed his nose to the source of the sweet fragrance. The bushy-like orange tree was almost as glorious as the fragrance from the blooms. Vibrant orange balls hung like ornaments on the branches covered with emerald green leaves and beautiful white flowers.
Wayne brought a fresh orange inside and handed it to me with a question, “Have you smelled the orange blossoms?”
That was the only invitation I needed. We both headed back outside to enjoy the sweet fragrance and the amazing sight of the tree covered in both ripe fruit and blooms at the same time. Enjoying my orange tree is one of those simple things in life that brings me great joy. The sweet fragrance of orange blossoms is one of my favorite. You can smell them all over the yard.
Beyond the fragrance of the orange blossoms, I love the citrusy orange rind smell as well. When given the option to purchase orange fragrance in a cleaner I will almost always choose orange. It smells clean and refreshing to me.
Eating an orange kindles fond childhood memories. My mom could peel an orange in a single continuous ribbon almost every time. Then, she would strip the white pith, from the top to the bottom, dropping each piece onto a kitchen towel in her lap, carefully spread so any juice from the orange didn’t stain her dress. Every time she dropped a piece of that wonderful pith I gobbled it up. She couldn’t believe I liked it, I couldn’t believe she didn’t. But I was glad she didn’t like it. It remains my favorite part of the orange. As an adult I understand that the pith along with the peel has more nutrients than the juice of the orange.
Some people want to complicate eating an orange, but I like it simple. Cut it in half and then into wedges that fit inside my mouth so I can pull the fruit off with my teeth. Of course I haven’t finished the wedge until I eat the pith all the way down to the rind.
My grownup way to eat an orange is as a drink. I cut the orange in quarters, remove the seeds. Throw the wedges, peel and all, into the blender container. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar substitute or one of the individual packets of pre sweetened drink mix, ice, water. I whirl everything until the ice is crushed and the orange is pureed. Oh, it is heavenly.
It is amazing to think this juicy, luscious fruit begins with a fragrant white bloom and a bee with pollen buckets on its legs. God’s fascinating design is captivating. The luscious, sweet fragrance attracts bees; bees pollinate the flowers which produces the oranges that I love to eat. That little, fragrant flower has a purpose beyond beauty.
Standing at my tree enjoying a fragrance so luscious that I just want to linger at length to enjoy, I am reminded that is how God feels about our praise. He inhabits our praise. He lingers and enjoys our praise. Not only because it opens the door for fellowship with Him. But more so because of what it does for us. Our praise opens the door for fruitfulness in our lives. Because His love is so amazing He seizes every opportunity to bless our lives. When we swing the door open with worship, His presence kisses our lives with His love causing us to be more like Him and more fruitful. And that sweet relationship is beyond description.
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